Angler Gang Fishing

Island lake pike

The Pike Saga Continues

The gang and I have trolled every area of the lake now and have caught countless pike. Sad part is they are all in the 24″ size range and under. While they are quite strong at this size, we want one that could pick his teeth with these ones. Saturday we ganged up and headed out, Myself and Marten in one boat and Big John and Tips in the other. Fishing was slow for the first couple hours, the sun was out and it was hot. We started out trolling, searching for pike to no avail. John and Tips found themselves a weedy corner and we saw them hooking into some pan fish, which they seemed quite happy in doing after a couple hours without fish.


Marten and I were staying on the move trying to find the big pike we have been looking for. Just around the bend after leaving the boys we had some action, Marten caught a twenty incher and moments later I got an aggressive hit and hooked into a fish very briefly. He ran hard two or three times taking line fast. Could it be the pike we have been looking for? I thought as I fumbled to kill the motor. He ran hard once more and was off as quick as he was on. After a few curse words we decided to stay in this section and cast for a while. We managed a couple more pike each and called it a day. I guess the hunt will continue next trip. Enjoy the Fishing Blog

Pike Fishing


I gave an old friend a shout and he was down. I woke to his text message and I was straight out the door as I geared up the night before. An hour drive in some on and off light rain and we were at the lake.

We got right to it and decided to target bass seeing it was still morning and seemed like a good idea. We headed for the weedy bay where I have known them to hang. We set up shop there. When a new guy comes out fishing, you want to produce fish and make sure he has a good time. Unfortunately, it wasn’t happening. Well over an hour had past casting frogs and my friend Marten throwing everything in his tackle box at them.

We gave up and switched our target species to the pike, they also lurk in these waters. Ten minutes out of the unproductive bass territory I was into a small pike it was a relief to finally have a fish on my line. Spirits were up and the rain holding off left us with pretty sweet weather conditions. We were now on the troll after some fish. My friend gets his first one on and look who it is…? A decent largemouth bass. Yeah, the same fish we were after in the bay showed himself after hitting a big spinner bait on the troll.

We were on a roll and hooking up fairly often. Lots of pike all around the same size and a few more bucket mouths. We spent every second after the first fish trolling the small lake for a pike that would eat the ones we were catching but he was no where to be found.

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